Yves Bolender - DORS

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Yves Bolender

Tidligere Indkaldelser
Dansk Ortodontisk Selskab - v/Specialtandlæge Palle Svanholt - Soløsevej 13 - DK- 2820 Gentofte - Tlf. 39 65 87 99 e-mail: dors@post.tele.dk     www.d-or-s.dk
17. august 2016
Der afholdes faglige møder:
Mandag d 12. september kl. 19.30 på Odontologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet
Tirsdag d. 13. september kl. 19.30 i Haderup-auditoriet, Odontologisk Institut, KU
Medbring venligst denne mødeindkaldelse og vis den til portvagten. Indgangen er fra Nørre Allé 20. Det er ikke muligt at parkere på Parkeringspladsen på Panum, men det er mod betaling muligt at holde i De Gamles By med indkørsel gennem porten over for Nørre Allé 20.

Professor, dr.odont. Yves Bolender
Departement d’Orthodontie Faculté de chirurgie Dentaire, Strasbourg, France.

“Are self-ligating brackets worth the extra-money? An update meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and split-mouth design studies.”

Self-ligating brackets have been a piece of our armamentarium in orthodontics since their introduction 70 years ago by a Brooklyn orthodontist, Jacob Stolzenberg.
To name a few historical milestones, the Speed™ bracket was put on the market as early as 1980, whereas the Damon SL™ represented a significant introduction in 1996. Self-ligating products have been proliferating since, and marketed aggressively by the different orthodontic distributors as being more efficient than traditional brackets.
The claims that you can find today on the distributors’ websites in favor of self-ligating products, are among others: reduced friction, better results, reduced treatment time, reduced number of appointments, improved patient comfort, wider arch development, reduced chair time.
As a result of these successful promotional campaigns, self-ligating brackets are now being used by 63% of US practitioners as reported by the last 2014 JCO survey.

The aim of this lecture is to verify these claims based on a meta-analysis strictly restricted to randomized controlled trials and split-mouth design studies comparing self-ligating and traditional brackets, published in the literature up to April 2015
Dr Yves Bolender is associate Professor in Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Surgery, Strasbourg University, France. Dr Bolender earned in 1988 a Master’s of Medical Sciences (M.M.Sc.) and a Certificate in Orthodontics from Harvard University under the chairmanship of Pr CFA Moorrees. He became a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics in 2004. Dr Bolender earned in 2008 a Ph.D. in Material Sciences from the University Henri Poincaré of Nancy, France. Dr Bolender is a full member of the Eastern Component of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists. He is currently the director of the postdoctoral program in Orthodontics in Strasbourg.

Efter foredraget er der som sædvanlig en let servering.

Med venlig hilsen
Pbv. Susanne Wistoft

Næste møder er i Aarhus mandag den 10. oktober og i København den 11. oktober.

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